Timing & Scoring |
This is the nerve center of the Club Race and is an indoor assignment. During each qualifying session, sprint race, and enduro race we need to verify that each car has an electronic transponder that sends a signal to wire loops embedded in the track pavement. That signal indicates the car number and driver that have just crossed the start/finish. That information goes to a computer in the timing & scoring tower that uses special software to record, track the racer’s position, lap time, best lap time, and the time in the race. The computer does the primary timing and tracking, but we do a manual back-up to track the position of all cars each time they pass the start/finish line in the event that the computers fail. We must also identify, sort and notify the drivers of a failed transponder, mismatched transponder to car/driver info in the computer, or sort out any other glitches in the system. Once the session is run and the results are recorded on the computer we make copies of the results and send them down to the Help & Information table where drivers and crew pick them up, so they will know how they did and where they will be positioned on the grid in the next session or race. We also deliver copies to the Grid mailbox so Grid personnel can help drivers to their grid spot... We need 5 people all day Saturday and 6 people all day Sunday (if we do pit stop timing on the computer). (If we manually do pit stop timing we will need about 19 people on Sunday) The responsibilities for T&S include:
Jake Kooser, Timing & Scoring |
Technical Support By |
WebSite Development - Laz Ortega |
Graphic Support - Kirk Giannola |
Event Photography - Motorimages.com |