

Registration will take place beginning Dec. 11th 2023. The dates of the Advance Solo DE event are: Thursday February 2nd thru Sunday February 5th. This event starts on Thursday and we expect you to attend and participate the first day of the event.


The event will be run with expanded passing. It is mandatory that you attend the Thursday drivers meeting, which is generally held in the early afternoon. We will go over the entire event as well as expanded passing at that meeting. Should the meeting be impossible for you to attend, please contact me.

We will allow coaching by qualified instructors. The coaches must be registered separately using the student car and number for the 48 Hours event. The coach must be a PCA member and a certified PCA instructor. There is a fee and registration required if the coach is not registered as a driver. The intent of this program is to give new drivers to this track help in quickly learning the line and fine-tuning skills of more experience drivers. This event is for well-experienced drivers who have attended PCA Drivers Education programs as a solo driver. Coaching is a privilege that can be revoked on an individual basis at any time by the CTI. Do not register thinking that you will be trained the skills you need to drive at the 48 Hours.

To register and qualify for the Advanced Solo group you must:

  1. Be a current PCA Member; bring your membership card to the event.
  2. Be driving a Porsche.
  3. Be a PCA certified instructor or have an email sent to me by your Chief Track Instructor stating that you are an advanced solo driver and have the experience and skills necessary to drive on the Sebring track with very highly skilled drivers. (CTI email not applicable if you have been accepted at this event previously)
  4. Your profile on the registration site must be updated prior to registration.

Should this event fill up and we start a waiting list, you must fully register and pay to remain on the list. There are always cancellations. We will issue refund if you are not accepted.

To register go to www.clubregistration.net if you have never registered on that site you may go on early and set up an account.

To register for the upcoming 48 Hours at Sebring Advanced Solo, you can click on this link when it becomes available.

Your on-line registrar will be Dennis Wojcic. At the event, I will be your at-track registrar as well as the Chief Track Instructor. Contact us at SebringClubRace@Yahoo.com

Amy Riches, Adv Solo / CTI
Suncoast Region

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